Monday, February 20, 2012

Level UP!

As of today, Katie and Connor have both received their first promotion. Katie, following the wizard theme, is now an "Apprentice Wizard". Connor, who took the military route, has been promoted to Private 1st Class.

We actually updated the character sheets on Friday and found out that Katie had been promoted. Connor wasn't too happy about that. He felt that he wasn't doing as well, which completely had nothing to do with it. The fact is she simply had more grade than him, and his teachers had not yet entered all the grades into the online grading system.

Speaking of grades, we are having a little trouble keeping track of all the different scores in the system. Ultimately, it would be an online recording system and keeping track would be a piece of cake, as you would enter everything online. But, with our current basic system, things are getting a little blurrier and harder to remember where points went where.

I'm also very happy to say that Connor's teacher has begun keeping track of his behavior and ability to do his work on time on a day-to-day basis. This seems to be having an effect on his attitude and behavior in class as he's getting fewer negative notes from the teacher.

Each checkmark he gets on his sheet is worth one experience point. Each day he can earn approximately 5 or 6 poitns. The other great thing, since each of the checkmarks don't have an individual class or subject tied to them, I'm letting Connor select where he wants those points applied on his character sheet. That makes them very flexible, and to him...very valuable.

As a reward for Katie's progress to Apprentice Wizard we bought her a very magical necklace and pendant this weekend at Medieval Times. It really doesn't get much more magical than that.

And for Connor, since he officially got promoted tonight, we're looking into tracking down a set of 'real' military insignia badges to sew onto his backpack as he levels up in ranks.

They both seem very happy with their rewards, and we are very happy with their progress.

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